Accessing online medium term plans 2022
Please scroll down for a photocopiable index of where to locate planned units of work for the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, according to Living Difference IV, the Agreed Syllabus for Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton schools (launched November 2021), from:
- the HIAS RE website (via the Services Portal, see below)
If you cannot find the medium term planning you are looking for, please contact the RE Centre on Tel: 01962 863134 or email:
External subscribers: If you have a license for the RE website, the named person on that license should have received an invitation to set up their account in the Services Portal. To set up access for other members of your school:
- Download the user guide and follow the instructions to set up your staff.
- Send this link to your staff once you have set up their access
- Services Portal login
External schools wanting to subscribe to the HIAS RE website at £98 pa should complete this online form.