- Pack for sale from the RE Centre entitled Managing RE at KS1 and KS2 RE041, current price for subscribers to RE centre is £30.00, rising to £35.00 from 01.01.24, Perfect for a newly appointed RE lead, this pack includes an introduction to Living Difference IV and its conceptual enquiry methodology, the role and responsibilities of the RE lead, advice on writing an RE policy, auditing your school’s RE, help with planning your RE, supporting your colleagues in their teaching and handling withdrawal requests. Use following link for the order form
- Training course entitled How to manage RE at KS1 and KS2 on 10 October 2023, booking via LMS.
- Primary RE networks around the county and virtual - RE Moodle: Don’t forget to book for the Autumn 23-24 Primary RE network (hants.gov.uk)
- Regular e-news direct to your inbox - Course: Keep in touch (hants.gov.uk)
- Online support on RE curriculum site - freely available to Hampshire schools and subscribable for academies and non Hampshire schools –Subscription to HIAS RE website (office.com) . Advice on accessing HIAS RE curriculum website can be found here.
- Looking for MTPs? Follow link to Where can I find planning document.