Teaching RE at KS1
At KS1, children are required to study aspects of what it means to live life in the Christian traditions, along with a depth study of a second religion. If the depth study in addition to Christianity is selected from another Abrahamic tradition, an overview study should be designed to include a Dharmic tradition. If there are children from other traditions in the class, the teacher can also include these in an overview study at KS1 as well as study of non-religious perspectives. There are two recommended exemplar long-term plans for KS1 in Living Difference IV; to view, click https://re.hias.hants.gov.uk/ and go to pages 46-47.
Where to find KS1 planning
For a complete range of planning, please visit the HIAS RE curriculum site. Hampshire schools (and external customers with a current curriculum website subscription) are able to access this site via the Services Portal.
If you would like to arrange a subscription, please email re.centre@hants.gov.uk for costs and complete online form.